Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Betty the Bureaucrat has spoken!

Every day, my co-workers ask if my blog is in place and I'm pleased to report that I'm catching up on the 20 for 2.0 project. My department is blogging already so the process isn't new for me but creating a blog is. I have often wondered who has the time to read these things, let alone find them. However, I am assured that blogs are a bona fide communication tool and that many others (besides me) are using it with gusto.

I say, "Ha."


Captain ILL said...

Betty, you've got a long way to go before you reach "gusto" if you only created your blog to keep your co-workers from pestering you. However, I am pleased to hear that you won't be retiring until two impossibilities occur: Captain ILL in a dress, and that statue thing.

groovelily said...

Yeah! Now we have another way to pester Betty!! We are a high maintenance bunch. Well some of us more than others. Looking forward to more gusto.

Jazzergigi said...

Good to see you've joined us out here in "blogger-land" Betty! Now if we can just get your side-kick (my boss) to join in the fray... Apparently her staff isn't nearly pesty enough. Either that or she's just more used to our particular brand of "pestering". :-)

Jim McCluskey said...

Woohoo Betty! Oops starting to sound like a wamu ad there for a second. Glad to see we can move on to pestering you about how cluttered your desk is, or something else. Joe I'm sensing a poll is in order here so the group can weigh in on this.

thisandthat said...

Glad to see you've finally joined Blogsville, Betty! But I'm curious about the "Captain ILL in a dress" comment (and also somewhat afraid).

David said...

Betty, your department is not only blogging, they're setting the bar pretty high for the rest of us. Very entertaining and oh yeah, work enhancing.